"dont go roc.mt. via samakant"

it would be nice if the bot have that option for all the chin 90 cap server where sama and the other EU towns dont exist

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@Ryan :slight_smile:

Yea that’s not how it works. The bot does not create the paths on its own.

but can u add an option to ignore samakant in the near future

Maybe. The only reason it was doing that before was due to a bug.

what would happen if the last few cordinates to the samakant to roc mt teleports was disable would it still go over samakant ?

Yes because none of the paths are created by the bot.

I agree this is one thing i miss about ***** not gonna mention another bot in here but this 100 cap im playing 72 eagles die die die because it dont go from hotan so i agree 100%

you can do a walkscript but making one is annoying