im again active since 5 Months playing Silkroad Online.
Especially on the “new” Server Kratos.
The PhBot gives alot of flexibility which i or we very enjoy.
I can create Custom Tools and Plugins, and can have sick conditions when one of my Party Members drops below a certain Hp%.
I think its very very unhealthy for the game to have the possibillity to follow/trace or Bot within the Fortress war.
I think Trace/Bot should be forbidden in Fortress.
Since i know you care for the sake of balancing - Thats why you disabled the Char Creation Paket or disabling any packet which is interfering directly with another Players.
I would like to ask you to do the same here.
Please disable the Trace/Bot/Conditions functions in Fortress war.
Its super unhealthy and its not about who got the best equip or best strategy, its only about who has the best programming and Condition Skills.
Its the only content where most people are not botting and in the long run, people will be discouraged to play this game further if they need to take everytime their GBot party to the FW to be able to fight.
I really would like to hear your opinion on this because in the past you had it disabled…
Fortress war has also been like this for a very long time, it’s nothing new so people are use to it and want it. The second you take it away they will switch to another bot and the problem remains.
I dont think the other bot solutions are so far advanced. Neither they can have conditions or Install anymore Plugins.
Yes you will loose some people Out of Anger, but in the end people still will use PHbot because it has so many Features.
I think its a bit coperate greed on your Side. Short term you will earn more Money but longterm people will quit.
Which means you will loose Money and customer.
Im quite Sure If this Feature stays i will quit and many others too. Its absolutely unhealthy.
Disable it for the new official Server Like kratos and the other one which will come in January and everyone will be happy
It makes more sense to disable it on new servers but not old. Like ryan said its been tried, many things have been tried to balance. Its not greed, its educated decisions afters years of operation. Its been like this for over 10 years, this is SRO now. If you dont like it then dont play i suppose.