Cast(Recast) Skill every 14min...

I’m trying to make a condition to cast “Noise” every 14min. The Condition is:

if (Time Elapsed (seconds) >= 840) { Cast (recast) ( Noise ); }

But the condition isn’t being achieved. How does Time Elapsed works?


Add “While in botting” then try bro

I am not sure how to put While on the condition, i’m new to this, but i tried this:
if (Botting && Time Elapsed (seconds) >= 30) { Cast (recast) ( Noise ); }
Put 30 secs to test, but it didn’t work

Also tried with the operator ==, no success at al.
if (Botting && Time Elapsed (seconds) == 30) { Cast (recast) ( Noise ); }

When i put the >= operator it behaves weird, It “uncast” the skill and i die…

Any thoughts?

Bro try with cast (inactive) maybe works

why you want to do it exactly after 14 mins? just make it on recast or what is your intention to do with the 14 mins?

Because my char is in a very crowded place. If 2 or more mobs turn on him, he will die. Noise will keep mobs away while I kill 1 by one…

The moment the skill is expired, it will take 1 second to recast, but my char will definitely die. Then i’ll turn back to town, do the town script, walk all the way to the training area, only to last more 15 minutes and die again. ='(

Any thoughts?


I did find a condition to match my needs…
if (Not attacked (minutes) == 14) { Cast (recast) ( Noise ); }


The “Cast (recast)” function seems to malfunction. I casts, then something happens and it disappear, and I die…

Recast(inactive) also doesn’t work…