Can't load plugin in bot


I previously wrote and fixed the plugin, everything worked fine.

Now I’m back to playing silkroad. when I left the xPacket plugin as is, the bot loaded the plugin. But I just need to change one line of code and the bot can’t download the plugin. I remember my code used to have formatting errors so I had to install an extension in visual studio code, but now I can’t remember what the extension name is

The picture I sent is the line of code I added. When adding the line of code highlighted in red, the bot cannot download the plugin.
Where can anyone write this problem please help me to solve this problem.

There’s an approved list of plugins for TRSRO and VTC, so if you’re playing those servers you can’t modify plugins. If you need to modify a plugin you’ll need to get it whitelisted by Ryan.

You can select isro to test loading your plugins.

Am I violating any regulations when using the plugin I wrote?
How can my plugin run on Ryan’s whitelist?

Because you modified it, it’s no longer the same as the one that’s whitelisted. Write your plugin then you can request it here to be whitelisted.

Thanks for support
I’m writing a plugin and will post back here soon

Can I send a demo code of my plugin to see if it will be approved?

  • The idea is that I want to process packet and logic on dll files (C#, C++)
from phBot import *
import phBotChat
import QtBind
import json
import ctypes
import json
import atexit
import shutil
import uuid
import os
import atexit

pName = 'xPlugins'
pVersion = '1.0.7'

gui = QtBind.init(__name__,pName)
ddlPath = 'D:/Projects/Silkroad/xPlugins/xPlugins/bin/Debug/xPlugins.dll'
newDllPath = 'D:/Projects/Silkroad/xPlugins/xPlugins/bin/Debug/' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.dll'

if os.path.isfile('D:/Projects/Silkroad/xPlugins/xPlugins/bin/Debug/xPlugins.pdb'):

shutil.copyfile(ddlPath, newDllPath)
plugin = ctypes.CDLL(newDllPath)

def cleanup():
    global plugin


    del plugin
    log('Plugin: ' + pName + ' v' + pVersion + ' unloaded')

showLogInit = False

# For get_client
getClientCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_char_p)
getClientCallback = getClientCallbackType(get_client)
if showLogInit:

# For get_guild
getGuildCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_char_p)
getGuildCallback = getGuildCallbackType(get_guild)
if showLogInit:

#many code here


I’m not going to allow that.

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Why so?

What are the requirements to add a plugin to the whitelist?

Plugins are meant to be open source not hidden in a dll. Process your packets inside the plugin.

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I want the plugin code to handle the entire academy process such as login, party, transfer, graduation, new account login. 100% python code, this plugin is private for my use only. Is this acceptable?
