Hi ryan again same problem in trsro dimension desert.
Have you tried turning on ignore teleport level?
İt if fine now, thanks.
Hı @Ryan same problem isro
Show me the bot log.
Not happen always its hapen sometimes and i when tepeort other Town and bacak Town or use return fixing but i need all time check when return Town you know on isro have fatigue system
i have same problem on trsro
İ have 2 PC 1 use v27.5.3 have this issue i upgrade v27.5.5 still continue other PC v27.5.1 not any problem
Should be better now.
Still same bro
You probably have disable Samarkand enabled or need to turn on ignore teleport level.
Bro my Town Semerkand and slot Ong why need any teleport option ,just after Town loop close Town ggo go go little right its training slot where is teleport inthis situation
I am able to get a script from those coordinates you posted.
I found the issue and will have an update out shortly.
Bro this not only one bot more than one slot when i check manager 3 4 bot stop for example penon or taklamakan desert and i start its working i think I couldn’t tell you my problem
Sorry i dont saw last answer i wait New update thank you already i hope you fix
Should be fixed now.
Hi, There
Having same issue. I think problem is about region. Its adding region randomly to coordinates. I also updated to latest version
This was fixed in the latest version.