Auto Quest problem(quest not detected)

Question… How can i manually add this quest?
it cant detect in phbot.
Server: Adrenaline SRO


Those quests will most likely not work as the server is missing some data in the text files. You could try manually adding it to your script.

im stuck in here… the bot wont take the reward…

i think its impossible for now… the same problem with this:

Bro help. can you add repeat quest!


can you add out post NPC ?

All you have to do is enable the quest. You do not need a script.

last option that will always work is xpackettool plugin

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Thanks for this… i really dont know how to use this packetool but now, it’s all clear to me…

It was successful…

to someone who experience same error as mine…
0x7046 (Data) = 0x7046A gives error
0x7046 (Data) = 0x7046 accepted


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