A few good suggestions

First of all I’m sorry for bad English.
Please check the attached image.

  • After buying items such as characters, pots, scrolls, etc… in the town, the inventory is very messy. You can add such a feature to bot options.
  • You can add features such as “Show only pet picks”, “Show only sells”, “Show only your own picks”, bla bla… at it to Item Filters.
  • You can add -2 comboboxes and make the selection of degree range easier. To be easier and faster.


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there is a plugin called itemManager just serch for it it will sort your invin/storage/GS like abc…
otherwise a little hint put the town items at the last invin slots at page 3 since the bot wil always stack front to back it basicly has no option as to put the items there

at the pickfilter you can just set “all” at the first setting and then click : image
and all the items that are pick with pet are at the top of the list

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