Walk back to base / town

hello @Ryan
in mirror
or some training area’s
have training spot near the base
too close
& in mirror specially…
& there is no return scroll there & bag might fill up with picked scrolls…

was wandering if chars could walk back to town…
by path finding

u said before … it can be done … if the bot started from town…
as in it will reverse the script XY it gain from pathFinding…

cant each town on silkroad have an XY for character to walk back to by path finding…
& with an option to choose by force one of 2x:
-walk back to town
-scroll back to town
with an option under it to select the town … regardless of the returned town

as mirror town is way far from other towns
for checking storage going pvp or doing other stuff…

keeping walkBack for bot reason’s … & returning for fast … relaxing

cuz im sure that … some want to check there chars
but think of the long walking or blueScroll they got to waste
just to go back the other towns near live players…
& there for … cancel his there plan for checking there game/progress(mostly) & the market & pvp

something to keep the game … more interesting…

& im assuming script can walk back automatic by reversing XY’s…?(idk … didnt try it yet…)
but for sure the path-finding feature … is much desired…

I’ll add it.

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thx for adding the function of “walk back to deliver a Quest”
didnt check it/update my bot yet though…
based on the update note
would like to add/re-request/re-suggest an option…
“walk back to town”
up-on pots(HPMP)/broken item/etc…

(where ever u think it fits…)
instead of hitting the return scroll Only…

as mentioned:
setting someplace like “mirror Town” as base … would require this option…
since no NPC there sell’s return scrolls…

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