Unique Spawn Logging

It shows exact spot where unique spawns?

Looks great!


The cool thing is that it works in literally every server <3

hello :slight_smile:
How you do this ? for log job ? it’s your specific plugin ?

Dostum, tam olarak nasıl çalışıyor. Mesela: UNiq, olarak Demon keseceksin o bölgede olduğun sürece sana bildirimi geliyor. Yoksa haritayı açtığında her zaman UNİQ bulunduğu noktayı gösteriyor mu? Birde illa discord kullanmak mı gerek. Cevab verirsen. Sevinirim.

Dude, how exactly does it work? As UNiq, you will cut Demon when you are in that area, you receive a notification. Or does it always show where UNIQ is located when it opens the map? Need to use Discord. If you answer. I’m glad.

You’ll never know the unique locations spawn, that information is not sent to the client, only if you are near them. The same rule apply to all players, mobs, npc, objects, etc.

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As I understand it, if there is a UNIQ nearby, make a sound notification. A command like this, but this command points to the UNiQ point on the map.

[quote=“[Plugin] xChat Plugins, post:8, topic:333”]
At log.txt or server_character_log.txt (depends on your char setting) you will find :

23/03 07:02:45 PM > Starting script
23/03 07:02:58 PM > Finishing script

This is the botting time if I’m not mistaken. I wonder if we can change this to either server time or local time?
There are falls on my internet.