The healing is not working

the character cleric, does not throw the healing buff: group healing, Group Recovery, and others

I have same problem and I waiting 5 days to @Ryan fix it … :angry:

Download 21.5.6 version and cleric skill will working


In version 21.5.6 characters are buffed with big delay for example Wizz1 back to city to repot when he back to spot he wait 4-5 minutes for war/cleric/bard(mana cycle) buffs. If Wizz1 die on spot cler will ress him fast but when Wizz1 back from repot and die he need wait 1-2 minutes too for ress. It’s only when characters back from repot

Cler back to spot from repot and didnt get any buff

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I never said I fixed it. I said it’s recasting the one buff over and over because it has a short delay. You said you were going to remove it so I never bothered to test further.

I said in private message that I removed all skills and add again that which don’t work and bot don’t use any skills. Just look pm

I’m not receiving notifications when you send me a message and I don’t know why.

Which server? This is working fine on vSRO.


I have no problem with the latest version.

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I am in hestia server, and is me who have problem, with low level buffs

If you want to PM me the account, I can take a look.

How can I do that?

I sent you a message. If you go to the top right it should show up there.