Silkroad royale server list

I’ve tried logging in 100 times. But still the servers are not visible. Other bots are working. But I want to use phbot. Please tell me a solution. I’m playing on the same server. Silkroad Royale


Ryan, I contacted the server owner, there is a message for you. ‘‘I am the head supporter of Silkroad Royale, some of our players have issue with phbot’s login and they recieved some answers like “its about server”. We believe there is nothing more important than solving our players’ problems. Thats why we want to solve that issue with PhBot owners. If PhBot want to solve the issue for its users, DontAsk or Shine and PhBot owners can communicate from Discord. We believe that this problem can be solved quickly together, and that your players as well as your users would not face with more problems.’’

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I’m waiting for that email someone said they were sending.

He said ‘‘We haven’t send any mail, I already told your Turkish Supporter about that situation. We should talk that in Discord, you can add me as a friend Ariana#1498 or I can add you in Discord. Just small talk will solve that issue i believe. Like i said before we believe there is nothing more important than solving our players’ problems.’’

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@Ryan please inform us about this situatoin. They blame the bot, you told 2sec filter. I want to believe the royale admins but I don’t trust them complately. It seems like they playing us. I think they can contact with you. Is it not annoying? They told that they don’t know this forum good.^^

I have not received any messages from them unless it was buried.

This update will cause the client to restart if you disconnect when you get to the login screen.

I don’t get it. This patch will fix it?

Try it and find out.

this patch maked it much worse.I can’t even join Client polls serverlist :S

Connection was closed by the remote host ?
[12:39:09] Connecting to the agent server []

[12:39:10] Connection was closed by the remote host, retrying

[12:39:10] Auto Relog: Starting relog process

[12:39:11] Connecting to the agent server []

[12:39:11] Connected

[12:39:17] Connecting to the gateway server []

[12:39:17] Connected

[12:39:28] Auto Relog: Starting relog process

[12:39:35] Connecting to the gateway server []

[12:39:36] Connected

[12:39:48] Auto Relog: Starting relog process

[12:39:55] Connecting to the gateway server []

Are you sure that’s worse? It’s not like you can connect anyway.

Yes bro I am sure I couldn’t join pollist server.I removed and joined from first original bot.I can join but if I get dc I can’t join again,servers are not visible.

Delete your vSRO.json file and re-add the server.

I am begging you.I have many bussiness to do.I need this bot to join.Otherwise I can’t play sro.

ok I will test it

I click to login and
[17:16:50] Login successful

[17:16:50] You have 7 days left for iSRO/SilkroadR/vSRO/cSRO SilkroadR

[17:17:03] Data load status: 100%
I can’t launch too

there is a way to fix it? is so annoying to see how it relog and relog for 10+ min to just see the servers :S

There’s nothing for me to fix since it’s their filter causing these problems. Use the link above for now so it will at least reconnect when you disconnect at the login screen.

bro we don’t see login screen with above link.