Ryan Help me!

Ryan, I noticed some issues and I wanted to report them.

  1. Phbot experiences delay when collecting other players ’ belongings with character or pet (elixer, stone) and cannot collect much. Another boat collects faster. Can you remove the delay?
  2. I’m doing auto hwt with Phbot. Only at each entry do the characters experience a delay during party invite and accept, and some characters cannot join the party and enter the dungeon once the party leader is inside. Will you change it to Party invite/accept 1s?
  3. Some characters stop the bot after cutting the final unique in the HWT dungeon. Probably when using botting/tracing mode the bot will not detect where it is and will not be able to run scripts. It says (you’re away in the city or training area).

yakup 2.soruya party from ayarlattığında girmiyormu ?
otomatik pt matching ve isme göre girmesi lazım

There is more lag in those options.

Ryan, can you answer ?

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