Reconnect problem

reconnect button is why passive… can u help me pls?

Because the Manager do it

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I m checking other cSro and Private reconnect is open bot IsRo not open :slight_smile:

I m using proxy, can be thats reason?

if there is a proxy for each 2 accounts
select this option on Manager Options,
Login all accounts at once

Mark Relog on disconnet on Phbot, Silkroad Login menu
No need to mark Queue

I make this everytime yeah 1 proxy for 2 account.

I made this when I set up ph bot

when I mark them np its marking. but when account got dc, this marks gone…

I m playing silkroad ISro since 2006 and so many year I was using sbot. bot I want to use phbot now. but I must resolve this problems…

ty for ur interest :slight_smile:

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now I wrote 1 proxy ro one account. I m trying like that now. I m waiting :slight_smile:

Just right click on group or account for start, also relog
I think it would be enough to reconnect

If account colors (on left side) are green, it will reconnect on disconnect
if are red it will not reconnect on disconnect

I checked old manager versions. I guess 1.7.4 or 1.7.3 I dont remmeber now. reconnect on disconnect button is active. why dont it active last version? or I m asking from u that if u can active this button or u can add demeter server old versions? if u can this I will be glad :))) can u halp me? ty with my best regards…

It’s not supposed to be because the Manager will relog the bots when they disconnect. That’s the point of the Manager.

If you enable that option on iSRO then you will have tons of issues with bots trying to reconnect unless you also enabled the queue system.

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