Problem with reconnect

Hi. when my client gets dc, the bot doesnt reconnect all accounts (im playing with 3 accounts in a private server). Sometimes just one or two acc back, and one stay disconnected at the server login screen or the silk doesnt start. I already marked “Relog on disconnect” in the bot.
Now i tried the Manager but when i mark some boxes in “Options” window at manager the server name changes to “Xian” autommatically.

Can u help me to fix the reconnect in bot or in manager? Thanks

Use the Manager and don’t enable the “Reconnect on disconnect” option. That feature enables it inside the bot which prevents the Manager from restarting it.

I tried manager but when i mark some boxes in “Edit” window, the server automatically changes to Xian, instead my private server name(retro) what is this?
Can i solve this? Its weird because when nothing is marked my private server name appears (Retro) when i mark some things, Xian server appears automatically

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