Problem with Phbot, it loads but dont enter, help plis.

I have a problem with the first load to enter the silkroad, it loads but does not enter.

  • The bot tries to open several clients at the same time.

  • It doesn’t just enter the game.

Of the 3 days, it has only worked for me once, stop the bot and repeat the load.

You’re temporarily IP banned.

How can I stop the bot from trying to enter so many times at the same time next time?

Use the Manager and don’t let it auto relog.

Do I need to remove the “relog on disconnect” and within the manager give “Start once”?

Or do you mean enter by hand?

I really don’t understand it, I press start eleven, it tries to enter, the massive attempt skips me again, in the manager the name is in red, supposedly I shouldn’t enter anymore, but the phbot doesn’t stop trying to enter… what is the problem with phbot

Yes, turn off “relog” and let the Manager do it.

The truth is that I have tried everything I can try, but I still have the problem Connecting to the gateway server [], I can’t understand, doesn’t the problem happen to the rest? If they are not premium and try to enter every minute, don’t they ban their IP for excessive entry attempts?

Thanks for responding.

Yes if you try to login too many times on a full queue you will get IP banned, you cant fully avoid this

but there is no fix? The queue will always be full, obviously the bot tries to enter.

  • Are you trying to tell me is that if I don’t have the direct entry premium, will I always have the same problem?

  • I wonder about other players, do they only use the bot entry with premium?
