[Plugin] xTranslator

I just restarted the server and looks like incoming messages are working but outcoming are probably blocked… :confused:

i found 1 thing weird like if someone linked something in global it will show as numbers only not the name of items and here is example for it SRO2021-08-07 20-02-02_11
SRO2021-08-07 20-02-06_40

[22:59:43] Plugin: Error loading url [The read operation timed out] to translate message


Can you make this work for Korean Silkroad as well?

will we get a fix on outgoing messages? seems like incoming are working fine but outgoing are still bugged/blocked from being sent

Plugin: Error loading url [HTTP Error 308: Permanent Redirect] to translate message

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Google probably changed their API so the plugin would need to be updated.