i think everybody know that bug where the GS is blocked by another char and the char is not avalable in any way becurse the player is not at home / or its ur char thats blocking it and its running on another pc and all the other farm char will skip the GS becurse of it
well lets say we have a solution for it with this plugin u can DC the blocking char automaticly
it will work with two list´s list 1 is “only send !DC command to the players in the list (list enable otherwise it will send it to any char in the guild if its blocking)” and a 2nd list with like that player is alowed to dc my char ( also with enabled list ) the list are there for preventing abuse so u cant get dc if somebody who dont like u send´s u a !DC via pm command
this plugin is made by @Verya with a tiny bit of help by @JellyBitz the Plugin idea was from me
Tested @ some vsro servers may work for other like k-sro c-sro i-sro…
a little tipp main chars should be able to dc farmchars not other way around otherwise u will be at medusa with ur main char and a farm bot will dc you keep that in mind
NEWEST WORKING VERSION [plugin] vGuildStoreDC - #20 by JellyBitz
just put it in your plugin folder rename the .txt to .py and relog ur chars
from phBot import * **DONT USE THIS ONE SCROLL DOWN TO JellyBits RELEASE !**
import QtBind----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import json
import os
import phBotChat
import struct
# #
# Initializing Vars #
# #
isConnected = False # avoid possible issues
# #
# Initializing GUI #
# #
gui = QtBind.init(__name__,'vGuildStoreDC')
cbx_EnablePlugin = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbx_EnablePlugin_clicked','Enable vGuildStoreDC',20,10)
cbx_SendDC = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbx_SendDC_clicked','Send DC command to the Blocking Guild Member',20,35)
cbx_SendDC_ListOnly = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbx_SendDC_ListOnly_clicked','Send only to Players in List',20,55)
txt_SendingChar = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui, '', 20, 80, 100, 20)
btn_AddSendChar = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnAddSendChar_clicked',"Add",130,80)
lst_SendingChars = QtBind.createList(gui, 20, 105, 185, 145)
btn_RemoveSendChar = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnRemSendChar_clicked'," Remove ",20,255)
cbx_EnableReceiveDC = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbx_EnableReceiveDC_clicked','Enable Receive DC command',300,35)
cbx_ReceiveDC_ListOnly = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbx_ReceiveDC_ListOnly_clicked','Only Receive DC command from Players in List',300,55)
txt_ReceivingChar = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui, '', 300, 80, 100, 20)
btn_AddReceiveChar = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnAddReceiveChar_clicked',"Add",410,80)
lst_ReceivingChars = QtBind.createList(gui, 300, 105, 185, 145)
btn_RemoveReceiveChar = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnRemReceiveChar_clicked'," Remove ",300,255)
# #
# Functions #
# #
# Called when the bot successfully connects to the game server
def connected():
global isConnected
isConnected = False
# Called when the character enters the game world
def joined_game():
global isConnected
isConnected = True
def get_vGuildStoreDC_path():
return get_config_path()[:-5]+'_vGuildStoreDC.json'
def config_load():
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
data = {}
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Sending Chars" in data:
for item in data["Sending Chars"]:
if "Receiving Chars" in data:
for item in data["Receiving Chars"]:
# config radiobutton if is saved
if data['Plugin enabled'] == True:
QtBind.setChecked(gui, cbx_EnablePlugin, True)
if data['Send DC'] == True:
QtBind.setChecked(gui, cbx_SendDC, True)
if data['Send DC to List only'] == True:
QtBind.setChecked(gui, cbx_SendDC_ListOnly, True)
if data['Enable Receive DC'] == True:
QtBind.setChecked(gui, cbx_EnableReceiveDC, True)
if data['Enable Receive DC only from List'] == True:
QtBind.setChecked(gui, cbx_ReceiveDC_ListOnly, True)
def cbx_EnablePlugin_clicked(checked):
if isConnected:
if checked == True:
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Plugin enabled" in data:
data['Plugin enabled'] = True
data['Plugin enabled'] = True
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
log('[vGuildStoreDC] Plugin enabled')
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Plugin enabled" in data:
data['Plugin enabled'] = False
data['Plugin enabled'] = False
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
log('[vGuildStoreDC] Plugin disabled')
def cbx_SendDC_clicked(checked):
if isConnected:
if checked == True:
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Send DC" in data:
data['Send DC'] = True
data['Send DC'] = True
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
log('[vGuildStoreDC] Sending DC Command enabled')
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Send DC" in data:
data['Send DC'] = False
data['Send DC'] = False
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
log('[vGuildStoreDC] Sending DC Command disabled')
def cbx_SendDC_ListOnly_clicked(checked):
if isConnected:
if checked == True:
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Send DC to List only" in data:
data['Send DC to List only'] = True
data['Send DC to List only'] = True
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
log('[vGuildStoreDC] Sending DC Command only to List enabled')
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Send DC to List only" in data:
data['Send DC to List only'] = False
data['Send DC to List only'] = False
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
log('[vGuildStoreDC] Sending DC Command only to List disabled')
def cbx_EnableReceiveDC_clicked(checked):
if isConnected:
if checked == True:
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Enable Receive DC" in data:
data['Enable Receive DC'] = True
data['Enable Receive DC'] = True
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
log('[vGuildStoreDC] Receiving DC Command enabled')
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Enable Receive DC" in data:
data['Enable Receive DC'] = False
data['Enable Receive DC'] = False
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
log('[vGuildStoreDC] Receiving DC Command disabled')
def cbx_ReceiveDC_ListOnly_clicked(checked):
if isConnected:
if checked == True:
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Enable Receive DC only from List" in data:
data['Enable Receive DC only from List'] = True
data['Enable Receive DC only from List'] = True
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
log('[vGuildStoreDC] Receiving DC Command only from List enabled')
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Enable Receive DC only from List" in data:
data['Enable Receive DC only from List'] = False
data['Enable Receive DC only from List'] = False
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
log('[vGuildStoreDC] Receiving DC Command only from List disabled')
def btnAddSendChar_clicked():
if isConnected:
NewSendingchar = QtBind.text(gui, txt_SendingChar)
CurrentSendingChars = QtBind.getItems(gui, lst_SendingChars)
if not NewSendingchar == "":
if not NewSendingchar in CurrentSendingChars:
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Sending Chars" in data:
data['Sending Chars'].append(NewSendingchar)
data['Sending Chars'] = [NewSendingchar]
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
QtBind.append(gui, lst_SendingChars, NewSendingchar)
log("[vGuildStoreDC] Added new Sending Char: ["+NewSendingchar+"]")
log("[vGuildStoreDC] This Char is already in List")
def btnRemSendChar_clicked():
if isConnected:
SelectedSendingChar = QtBind.text(gui, lst_SendingChars)
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Sending Chars" in data:
data['Sending Chars'].remove(SelectedSendingChar)
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
QtBind.remove(gui, lst_SendingChars, SelectedSendingChar)
log("[vGuildStoreDC] Removed Sending Char: ["+SelectedSendingChar+"]")
def btnAddReceiveChar_clicked():
if isConnected:
NewReceivingChar = QtBind.text(gui, txt_ReceivingChar)
CurrentReceivingChars = QtBind.getItems(gui, lst_ReceivingChars)
if not NewReceivingChar == "":
if not NewReceivingChar in CurrentReceivingChars:
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Receiving Chars" in data:
data['Receiving Chars'].append(NewReceivingChar)
data['Receiving Chars'] = [NewReceivingChar]
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
QtBind.append(gui, lst_ReceivingChars, NewReceivingChar)
log("[vGuildStoreDC] Added new Receiving Char: ["+NewReceivingChar+"]")
log("[vGuildStoreDC] This Char is already in List")
def btnRemReceiveChar_clicked():
if isConnected:
SelectedReceivingChar = QtBind.text(gui, lst_ReceivingChars)
data = {}
if os.path.exists(get_vGuildStoreDC_path()):
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if "Receiving Chars" in data:
data['Receiving Chars'].remove(SelectedReceivingChar)
with open(get_vGuildStoreDC_path(),"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
QtBind.remove(gui, lst_ReceivingChars, SelectedReceivingChar)
log("[vGuildStoreDC] Removed Receiving Char: ["+SelectedReceivingChar+"]")
def handle_chat(t,player,msg):
if QtBind.isChecked(gui, cbx_EnablePlugin):
if msg == "!DC":
if QtBind.isChecked(gui, cbx_EnableReceiveDC):
if QtBind.isChecked(gui, cbx_ReceiveDC_ListOnly):
ReceivingChars = QtBind.getItems(gui, lst_ReceivingChars)
if player in ReceivingChars:
log("[vGuildStoreDC] Disconnect because of receiving DC Command from "+player)
log("[vGuildStoreDC] Disconnect because of receiving DC Command from "+player)
log("not checked")
def handle_joymax(opcode, data):
result = data[0]
if result == 2: # Error
reasonCode = struct.unpack_from('<H',data,1)[0]
if reasonCode == 19528: # .. 48 4C ..
charLength = struct.unpack_from('<H',data,3)[0]
charName = struct.unpack_from('<' + str(charLength) + 's',data,5)[0].decode('cp1252')
if QtBind.isChecked(gui, cbx_EnablePlugin):
if QtBind.isChecked(gui, cbx_SendDC):
if QtBind.isChecked(gui, cbx_SendDC_ListOnly):
CurrentSendingChars = QtBind.getItems(gui, lst_SendingChars)
if charName in CurrentSendingChars:
log("vGuildStoreDC: "+charName+" is using guild storage! Trying disconnect him...")
log("vGuildStoreDC: "+charName+" is using guild storage! Trying disconnect him...")
return True
log('[%s] by Chefkoch, Verya & JellyBitz Loaded' % __name__)