[Plugin] CountDrops


Previously, there was an add-on made to count stone and elixir. But it was irregular and not so comprehensive.

It will be useful for Titan slots.

A little note: “Lucky Magic Powders and scrolls are not subject to the degree filter.”

Daha önce stone ve elixir saymak için yapılmış bir eklenti mevcuttu. Fakat düzensiz ve bu kadar kapsamlı değildi.

Titan slotları için kullanışlı olacaktır.

Ufak bir not: “Lucky Magic Powder’lar ve scroll’lar degree filtresine tabii değildir.”

CountDrops **Latest**

Link Here!



Can you help me?

The current amount of gold in the character,
The amount of gold collected from the ground after the start of the bot,
The amount of gold spent after the start of the bot,

I’m thinking of adding these values to the plugin. But can you help with the codes?

1 Like

You can get the gold amount from here: Character - phBot Plugins

To figure out how much gold you picked up you’ll have to keep track of when the bot was started and the amount you started with then subtract them.

OK. Thanks. That’s enough for this plugin then. I’ve added a list for attribute and magic stones.

Would be better just a (combo)box or a list(view) with unique(not repeated) items from inventory > Select > Count.

Easier & Flexible : Design perfection.

Thanks for the suggestion! Would definitely be better. But I’m a rookie. I guess this is the best I can do :slight_smile:

link not working for plugin

Here Codes

from phBot import *
import QtBind

gui = QtBind.init(name,‘CountDrops’)

metaby = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘by Kardamot // Hellixir’,615,4)
lCIZGI = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘_____________________’,11,18)
lTITAN = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘TITAN DROPS’,40,10)
lLMP = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Lucky Magic Powder’,11,40)
lSTRScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘STR 5 Increase Scroll’,11,55)
lINTScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘INT 5 Increase Scroll’,11,70)
lHPIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Very Cold Ice Flakes’,11,85)
lMPIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Cold Ice Flakes’,11,100)
lDualIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Frozen Ice Flakes’,11,115)
lHPScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘500 HP Increase Scroll’,11,130)
lMPScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘500 MP Increase Scroll’,11,145)
lHitScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Hit Scroll’,11,160)
lDodgingScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Dodging Scroll’,11,175)
lTriggerScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Trigger Scroll’,11,190)
lsceva = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Scroll of Evasion’,11,205)
lscacc = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Scroll of Accuracy’,11,220)
qLMP = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,40)
qSTRScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,55)
qINTScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,70)
qHPIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,85)
qMPIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,100)
qDualIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,115)
qHPScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,130)
qMPScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,145)
qHitScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,160)
qDodgingScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,175)
qTriggerScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,190)
qsceva = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,205)
qscacc = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,130,220)

lCIZGI = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘_____________________’,164,18)
lAttStones = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘ATTRIBUTE STONES’,180,10)
lCourage = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Courage’,164,40)
lPhilosophy = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Philosophy’,164,55)
lFocus = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Focus’,164,70)
lChallenge = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Challenge’,164,85)
lAgility = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Agility’,164,100)
lWarriors = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Warriors’,164,115)
lMeditation = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Meditation’,164,130)
lFlesh = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Flesh’,164,145)
lMind = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Mind’,164,160)
lDodging = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Dodging’,164,175)
lLife = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Life’,164,190)
lSpirit = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Spirit’,164,205)
lTraining = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Training’,164,220)
lPrayer = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Prayer’,164,235)
qcourage = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,40)
qphilosophy = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,55)
qfocus = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,70)
qchallenge = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,85)
qagility = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,100)
qwarriors = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,115)
qmeditation = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,130)
qflesh = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,145)
qmind = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,160)
qdodging = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,175)
qlife = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,190)
qspirit = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,205)
qtraining = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,220)
qprayer = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,283,235)

lCIZGI = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘_____________________’,317,18)
lMagStones = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘MAGIC STONES’,344,10)
lSTR = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Str’,317,40)
lINT = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Int’,317,55)
lMaster = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Master’,317,70)
lStrikes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Strikes’,317,85)
lDiscipline = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Discipline’,317,100)
lPenetration = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Penetration’,317,115)
lDodging2 = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Dodging’,317,130)
lStamina = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Stamina’,317,145)
lMagic = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Magic’,317,160)
lFogs = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Fogs’,317,175)
lAir = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Air’,317,190)
lFire = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Fire’,317,205)
lImmunity = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Immunity’,317,220)
lRevival = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Revival’,317,235)
lLuck = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Luck’,317,250)
lSteady = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Steady’,317,265)
qstr = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,40)
qint = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,55)
qmaster = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,70)
qstrikes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,85)
qdiscipline = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,100)
qpenetration = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,115)
qdodging2 = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,130)
qstamina = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,145)
qmagic = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,160)
qfogs = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,175)
qair = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,190)
qfire = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,205)
qimmunity = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,220)
qrevival = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,235)
qluck = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,250)
qsteady = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,436,265)

lCIZGI = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘_____________________’,565,178)
lMagStones = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘ELIXIRS’,610,170)
lWeapon = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Weapon’,565,200)
lProtector = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Protector’,565,215)
lAccessory = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Accessory’,565,230)
lShield = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Shield’,565,245)
qweapon = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,684,200)
qprotector = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,684,215)
qaccessory = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,684,230)
qshield = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘0’,684,245)

lLIST = QtBind.createList(gui,150,40,1,207)
lLIST2 = QtBind.createList(gui,303,40,1,220)
lLIST3 = QtBind.createList(gui,455,40,1,240)
lLIST4 = QtBind.createList(gui,549,200,1,60)
lLIST5 = QtBind.createList(gui,703,200,1,60)
lBUTTONBG = QtBind.createList(gui,540,47,180,90)
lNEREYAZI = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Where do you want to look?’,565,40)
btnStorage = QtBind.createButton(gui,‘btnStorage_clicked’," Look at Storage “,584,86)
btnGuildStorage = QtBind.createButton(gui,‘btnGuildStorage_clicked’,” Look at Guild Storage “,572,111)
btnInventory = QtBind.createButton(gui,‘btnInventory_clicked’,” Look at Inventory ",579,61)
leDegree = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,“11”,470,150,19,19)
lDegree = QtBind.createLabel(gui,‘Degree’,494,153)

def btnStorage_clicked():
countIn = ‘Storage’

def btnGuildStorage_clicked():
countIn = ‘GuildStorage’

def btnInventory_clicked():
countIn = ‘Inventory’

def countItems(countIn):
LMP = 0
STRScroll = 0
INTScroll = 0
HPIceFlakes = 0
MPIceFlakes = 0
DualIceFlakes = 0
HPScroll = 0
MPScroll = 0
HitScroll = 0
DodgingScroll = 0
TriggerScroll = 0
sceva = 0
scacc = 0
courage = 0
philosophy = 0
focus = 0
challenge = 0
agility = 0
warriors = 0
meditation = 0
flesh = 0
mind = 0
pdodging = 0
life = 0
spirit = 0
training = 0
prayer = 0
Str = 0
Int = 0
master = 0
strikes = 0
discipline = 0
penetration = 0
gdodging = 0
stamina = 0
magic = 0
fogs = 0
air = 0
fire = 0
immunity = 0
revival = 0
luck = 0
steady = 0
weapon = 0
protector = 0
accessory = 0
shield = 0
items =
if countIn == ‘Storage’:
items = get_storage()[‘items’]
elif countIn == ‘GuildStorage’:
items = get_guild_storage()[‘items’]
elif countIn == ‘Inventory’:
items = get_inventory()[‘items’]
degree = str(QtBind.text(gui,leDegree))
if items != :
for item in items:
if item != None and degree in item[‘name’] and ‘tablet’ not in item[‘name’] and ‘stone’ in item[‘name’]:
if “courage” in item[‘name’]:
courage += item[‘quantity’]
elif “philosophy” in item[‘name’]:
philosophy += item[‘quantity’]
elif “focus” in item[‘name’]:
focus += item[‘quantity’]
elif “challenge” in item[‘name’]:
challenge += item[‘quantity’]
elif “agility” in item[‘name’]:
agility += item[‘quantity’]
elif “warriors” in item[‘name’]:
warriors += item[‘quantity’]
elif “meditation” in item[‘name’]:
meditation += item[‘quantity’]
elif “flesh” in item[‘name’]:
flesh += item[‘quantity’]
elif “mind” in item[‘name’]:
mind += item[‘quantity’]
elif “Attribute stone of dodging” in item[‘name’]:
pdodging += item[‘quantity’]
elif “life” in item[‘name’]:
life += item[‘quantity’]
elif “spirit” in item[‘name’]:
spirit += item[‘quantity’]
elif “training” in item[‘name’]:
training += item[‘quantity’]
elif “prayer” in item[‘name’]:
prayer += item[‘quantity’]
elif “Str” in item[‘name’]:
Str += item[‘quantity’]
elif “Int” in item[‘name’]:
Int += item[‘quantity’]
elif “master” in item[‘name’]:
master += item[‘quantity’]
elif “strikes” in item[‘name’]:
strikes += item[‘quantity’]
elif “discipline” in item[‘name’]:
discipline += item[‘quantity’]
elif “penetration” in item[‘name’]:
penetration += item[‘quantity’]
elif “Magic stone of dodging” in item[‘name’]:
gdodging += item[‘quantity’]
elif “stamina” in item[‘name’]:
stamina += item[‘quantity’]
elif “magic” in item[‘name’]:
magic += item[‘quantity’]
elif “fogs” in item[‘name’]:
fogs += item[‘quantity’]
elif “air” in item[‘name’]:
air += item[‘quantity’]
elif “immunity” in item[‘name’]:
immunity += item[‘quantity’]
elif “revival” in item[‘name’]:
revival += item[‘quantity’]
elif “fire” in item[‘name’]:
fire += item[‘quantity’]
elif “steady” in item[‘name’]:
steady += item[‘quantity’]
elif “luck” in item[‘name’]:
luck += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Magic” in item[‘name’] and “Powder” in item[‘name’]:
LMP += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Strength” in item[‘name’] and “Scroll” in item[‘name’]:
STRScroll += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Intelligence” in item[‘name’] and “Scroll” in item[‘name’]:
INTScroll += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Very Cold” in item[‘name’] and “Flakes” in item[‘name’]:
HPIceFlakes += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Cold” in item[‘name’] and “Very” not in item[‘name’]:
MPIceFlakes += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Frozen” in item[‘name’] and “Flakes” in item[‘name’]:
DualIceFlakes += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “HP” in item[‘name’] and “Scroll” in item[‘name’]:
HPScroll += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “MP” in item[‘name’] and “Scroll” in item[‘name’]:
MPScroll += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Hit” in item[‘name’] and “Scroll” in item[‘name’]:
HitScroll += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Dodging” in item[‘name’] and “Scroll” in item[‘name’]:
DodgingScroll += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Trigger” in item[‘name’] and “Scroll” in item[‘name’]:
TriggerScroll += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Scroll” in item[‘name’] and “Evasion” in item[‘name’]:
sceva += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Scroll” in item[‘name’] and “Accuracy” in item[‘name’]:
scacc += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Intensifing” in item[‘name’] and “(weapon)” in item[‘name’]:
weapon += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Intensifing” in item[‘name’] and “(protector)” in item[‘name’]:
protector += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Intensifing” in item[‘name’] and “(accessory)” in item[‘name’]:
accessory += item[‘quantity’]
if item != None and “Intensifing” in item[‘name’] and “(Shield)” in item[‘name’]:
shield += item[‘quantity’]

log(‘Plugins: [CountDrops] successfully loaded’)

That won’t work due to the indentation. Use code tags or put it on GitHub.

Code in here: GitHub - kardamot/countdrops_phbot

from phBot import *
import QtBind

gui = QtBind.init(__name__,'CountDrops')

metaby = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'by Kardamot // Hellixir',615,4)
lCIZGI = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'_____________________',11,18)
lTITAN = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'TITAN DROPS',40,10)
lLMP = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Lucky Magic Powder',11,40)
lSTRScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'STR 5 Increase Scroll',11,55)
lINTScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'INT 5 Increase Scroll',11,70)
lHPIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Very Cold Ice Flakes',11,85)
lMPIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Cold Ice Flakes',11,100)
lDualIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Frozen Ice Flakes',11,115)
lHPScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'500 HP Increase Scroll',11,130)
lMPScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'500 MP Increase Scroll',11,145)
lHitScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Hit Scroll',11,160)
lDodgingScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Dodging Scroll',11,175)
lTriggerScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Trigger Scroll',11,190)
lsceva = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Scroll of Evasion',11,205)
lscacc = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Scroll of Accuracy',11,220)
qLMP = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,40)
qSTRScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,55)
qINTScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,70)
qHPIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,85)
qMPIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,100)
qDualIceFlakes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,115)
qHPScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,130)
qMPScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,145)
qHitScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,160)
qDodgingScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,175)
qTriggerScroll = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,190)
qsceva = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,205)
qscacc = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',130,220)

lCIZGI = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'_____________________',164,18)
lAttStones = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'ATTRIBUTE STONES',180,10)
lCourage = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Courage',164,40)
lPhilosophy = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Philosophy',164,55)
lFocus = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Focus',164,70)
lChallenge = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Challenge',164,85)
lAgility = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Agility',164,100)
lWarriors = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Warriors',164,115)
lMeditation = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Meditation',164,130)
lFlesh = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Flesh',164,145)
lMind = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Mind',164,160)
lDodging = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Dodging',164,175)
lLife = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Life',164,190)
lSpirit = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Spirit',164,205)
lTraining = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Training',164,220)
lPrayer = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Prayer',164,235)
qcourage = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,40)
qphilosophy = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,55)
qfocus = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,70)
qchallenge = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,85)
qagility = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,100)
qwarriors = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,115)
qmeditation = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,130)
qflesh = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,145)
qmind = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,160)
qdodging = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,175)
qlife = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,190)
qspirit = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,205)
qtraining = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,220)
qprayer = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',283,235)

lCIZGI = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'_____________________',317,18)
lMagStones = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'MAGIC STONES',344,10)
lSTR = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Str',317,40)
lINT = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Int',317,55)
lMaster = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Master',317,70)
lStrikes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Strikes',317,85)
lDiscipline = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Discipline',317,100)
lPenetration = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Penetration',317,115)
lDodging2 = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Dodging',317,130)
lStamina = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Stamina',317,145)
lMagic = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Magic',317,160)
lFogs = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Fogs',317,175)
lAir = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Air',317,190)
lFire = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Fire',317,205)
lImmunity = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Immunity',317,220)
lRevival = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Revival',317,235)
lLuck = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Luck',317,250)
lSteady = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Steady',317,265)
qstr = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,40)
qint = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,55)
qmaster = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,70)
qstrikes = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,85)
qdiscipline = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,100)
qpenetration = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,115)
qdodging2 = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,130)
qstamina = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,145)
qmagic = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,160)
qfogs = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,175)
qair = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,190)
qfire = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,205)
qimmunity = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,220)
qrevival = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,235)
qluck = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,250)
qsteady = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',436,265)

lCIZGI = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'_____________________',565,178)
lMagStones = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'ELIXIRS',610,170)
lWeapon = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Weapon',565,200)
lProtector = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Protector',565,215)
lAccessory = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Accessory',565,230)
lShield = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Shield',565,245)
qweapon = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',684,200)
qprotector = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',684,215)
qaccessory = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',684,230)
qshield = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',684,245)

lLIST = QtBind.createList(gui,150,40,1,207)
lLIST2 = QtBind.createList(gui,303,40,1,220)
lLIST3 = QtBind.createList(gui,455,40,1,240)
lLIST4 = QtBind.createList(gui,549,200,1,60)
lLIST5 = QtBind.createList(gui,703,200,1,60)
lBUTTONBG = QtBind.createList(gui,540,47,180,90)
lNEREYAZI = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Where do you want to look?',565,40)
btnStorage = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnStorage_clicked',"  Look at Storage  ",584,86)
btnGuildStorage = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnGuildStorage_clicked',"  Look at Guild Storage  ",572,111)
btnInventory = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnInventory_clicked',"  Look at Inventory  ",579,61)
leDegree = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"11",470,150,19,19)
lDegree = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Degree',494,153)

def btnStorage_clicked():
	countIn = 'Storage'

def btnGuildStorage_clicked():
	countIn = 'GuildStorage'

def btnInventory_clicked():
	countIn = 'Inventory'

def countItems(countIn):
	LMP = 0
	STRScroll = 0
	INTScroll = 0
	HPIceFlakes = 0
	MPIceFlakes = 0
	DualIceFlakes = 0
	HPScroll = 0
	MPScroll = 0
	HitScroll = 0
	DodgingScroll = 0
	TriggerScroll = 0
	sceva = 0
	scacc = 0
	courage = 0
	philosophy = 0
	focus = 0
	challenge = 0
	agility = 0
	warriors = 0
	meditation = 0
	flesh = 0
	mind = 0
	pdodging = 0
	life = 0
	spirit = 0
	training = 0
	prayer = 0
	Str = 0
	Int = 0
	master = 0
	strikes = 0
	discipline = 0
	penetration = 0
	gdodging = 0
	stamina = 0
	magic = 0
	fogs = 0
	air = 0
	fire = 0
	immunity = 0
	revival = 0
	luck = 0
	steady = 0
	weapon = 0
	protector = 0
	accessory = 0
	shield = 0
	items = []
	if countIn == 'Storage':
		items = get_storage()['items']
	elif countIn == 'GuildStorage':
		items = get_guild_storage()['items']
	elif countIn == 'Inventory':
		items = get_inventory()['items']
	degree = str(QtBind.text(gui,leDegree))
	if items != []:
		for item in items:
			if item != None and degree in item['name'] and 'tablet' not in item['name'] and 'stone' in item['name']:
				if "courage" in item['name']:
					courage += item['quantity']
				elif "philosophy" in item['name']:
					philosophy += item['quantity']
				elif "focus" in item['name']:
					focus += item['quantity']
				elif "challenge" in item['name']:
					challenge += item['quantity']
				elif "agility" in item['name']:
					agility += item['quantity']
				elif "warriors" in item['name']:
					warriors += item['quantity']
				elif "meditation" in item['name']:
					meditation += item['quantity']
				elif "flesh" in item['name']:
					flesh += item['quantity']
				elif "mind" in item['name']:
					mind += item['quantity']
				elif "Attribute stone of dodging" in item['name']:
					pdodging += item['quantity']
				elif "life" in item['name']:
					life += item['quantity']
				elif "spirit" in item['name']:
					spirit += item['quantity']
				elif "training" in item['name']:
					training += item['quantity']
				elif "prayer" in item['name']:
					prayer += item['quantity']				
				elif "Str" in item['name']:
					Str += item['quantity']
				elif "Int" in item['name']:
					Int += item['quantity']
				elif "master" in item['name']:
					master += item['quantity']
				elif "strikes" in item['name']:
					strikes += item['quantity']
				elif "discipline" in item['name']:
					discipline += item['quantity']
				elif "penetration" in item['name']:
					penetration += item['quantity']
				elif "Magic stone of dodging" in item['name']:
					gdodging += item['quantity']
				elif "stamina" in item['name']:
					stamina += item['quantity']
				elif "magic" in item['name']:
					magic += item['quantity']
				elif "fogs" in item['name']:
					fogs += item['quantity']
				elif "air" in item['name']:
					air += item['quantity']
				elif "immunity" in item['name']:
					immunity += item['quantity']
				elif "revival" in item['name']:
					revival += item['quantity']
				elif "fire" in item['name']:
					fire += item['quantity']
				elif "steady" in item['name']:
					steady += item['quantity']
				elif "luck" in item['name']:
					luck += item['quantity']				
			if item != None and "Magic" in item['name'] and "Powder" in item['name']:
				LMP += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Strength" in item['name'] and "Scroll" in item['name']:
				STRScroll += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Intelligence" in item['name'] and "Scroll" in item['name']:
				INTScroll += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Very Cold" in item['name'] and "Flakes" in item['name']:
				HPIceFlakes += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Cold" in item['name'] and "Very" not in item['name']:
				MPIceFlakes += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Frozen" in item['name'] and "Flakes" in item['name']:
				DualIceFlakes += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "HP" in item['name'] and "Scroll" in item['name']:
				HPScroll += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "MP" in item['name'] and "Scroll" in item['name']:
				MPScroll += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Hit" in item['name'] and "Scroll" in item['name']:
				HitScroll += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Dodging" in item['name'] and "Scroll" in item['name']:
				DodgingScroll += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Trigger" in item['name'] and "Scroll" in item['name']:
				TriggerScroll += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Scroll" in item['name'] and "Evasion" in item['name']:
				sceva += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Scroll" in item['name'] and "Accuracy" in item['name']:
				scacc += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Intensifing" in item['name'] and "(weapon)" in item['name']:
				weapon += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Intensifing" in item['name'] and "(protector)" in item['name']:
				protector += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Intensifing" in item['name'] and "(accessory)" in item['name']:
				accessory += item['quantity']
			if item != None and "Intensifing" in item['name'] and "(Shield)" in item['name']:
				shield += item['quantity']
log('Plugins: [CountDrops] successfully loaded')
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I like the idea of a more sophisticated drop presentation :slight_smile:

From the code I can see that buttons should be rendered and once they are pressed you are counting the items in inventory or storage. Is it also considering the pet?

  1. It would be cool if it not would count on button click but when the drop actually happened
  2. It would be cool if instead of counters just a list of the drops is shown like str (lvl8) x5, spear lvl 64, elexier weapon
  3. The buttons are not shown for me


New handle_event function has item drop event with the item model.

You can use it and by using get_item(data) you can access the actual item name. Grouping could be complex maybe in such case

Is there a documentation for these hook/api? Also the doc for get_item would be interesting.

Edit: found it

Edit2: handle_event is able to show wearable drops. Not including elexiers or tablets. Some good thing already :slight_smile:

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@Ryan I recognized that the get_inventory function does not return pet inventory. Would you mind to either add another function or return both inventories from that function?

As well I got now a plugin which list the drops but I would like to list all things (elexiers,tabs etc) which were grabbed. What ideas do you have to solve this? I thought about if there is a tcp packet from server to client for successful grabbing something with pet or char. Can you give me some advice here?


get_pets() returns the pet inventory.

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So my idea so far is to get the pet and inventory items periodically and compare to the previous state to recognize when something was picked up. So only way to do that seem to use the event_loop hook. As I don’t know what the effort for getting the items on botside is and I’m thinking of if this is a good idea.
Are there other options to run code in a loop without blocking the bot? I saw that asyncio is not available for the plugins.

Can you please give me some advice?



# Called for specific events. data field will always be a string.
def handle_event(t, data):
	if t == 5: # EVENT_RARE_DROP (equippable only)
		item = get_item(int(data))
		# Your code here
		log('Drop: [Rare] '+item['name'])
	elif t == 6: # EVENT_ITEM_DROP (equippable only)
		item = get_item(int(data))
		# Your code here
		log('Drop: '+item['name'])

If that don’t cover your necessities, then try to parse pick up packet …

Also, I think you can find easily how to create your own loops. You can use Timer (easier but limited) threads or event_loop (with a counter as global to trigger your conditions)

Example with:

Or a new one using variables to trigger your function as switch, using even_loop btw… I don’t like it but is good to have in mind : Character Select / Creator - #44 by mikail123

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A new update!

Now the plug-in counts “coins”. I hope that will be useful.
I’m looking for ways to look at the pet bag. I’il try to add.

Nothing changes here? How do we know how much coin Pet collects right now?