
This plugin lets you search consignment clientless and auto buys items for you. Its designed to search only one category at a time so that its a little less toxic. It also doesnt save settings, again to be a little less toxic and still require some manual input if you disconnect. I will not add the ability to search multiple categories or save settings so dont ask.

Download: [Link] Right click > save as .py


Thanks for this plugin

what’s problem

Not sure… make sure you have the name exactly correct

V25.7.8 load fail why? bro

hi bro can help write plugins ,i pay money,i need ,plugins,auto attack red name char in the train range and goclient…how to contact you

Hello ; Can you help me? It doesn’t work when I make changes to the code. Can you help on the subject?

You can’t make changes to it for TRSRO

its not working bro

Change Log v1.3

  • Updated with TRSRO packet changes

is it in whitelist ? @Ryan

Yes…. You could of just tried

i saved it as py to plugin folder. However it does not appear in the list. I can use it on ISRO. But it does load on TRSRO. I think there is a problem about whitelist

it should work now

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