Please help here

idk what this but look Alchemy: Finished items in queue
[17:44:06] Alchemy: No elixirs found for item [Inpu]
[17:44:06] Alchemy: Finished items in queue
[17:44:11] Alchemy: No elixirs found for item [Inpu]
[17:44:11] Alchemy: Finished items in queue
[17:44:42] Alchemy: Failed to get item degree
[17:44:42] Alchemy: Finished items in queue i have elixier name hollyBible Elixier i think bot cant read this or what plse help

That elixir is not supported.

so what i can to do now ?

You could try setting the item degree where it says “Auto”.

i do it before and same thing the problem is elixier not lucky powder !!

It won’t be supported then because it’s a custom item.

ok there any fix for this ?

No fix. Use Delirus for alchemy.

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