Picking up items

Ok, I´m on it. Could you help me a little bit out… I am kind of new to Python and packet injection.

The pick operation has the opcode: 0x7074
An example for the data would be: 01 02 01 EF 4A 19 00
It seems to me, like 01 02 01 are static and I assume that the ID returned from get_drops somehow represents the last part (e.g. EF 4A 19 00)

Currently I have the follow code, but somehow I can´t append the ID to the bytearray.
The parameter id is the item ID return from get_drops.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?


def inject_pick(id, tradeGood):
    strOpcode = "0x7074"
    strData = "01 02 01"
    opcode = int(strOpcode,16)
    Packet = bytearray()
    data = strData.split()
    i = 0
    while i < len(data):
        i += 1
    log('Plugin '+pName+': Picked up "'+tradeGood['name']+'" ')