Phbot windows 10 process issue

hello Ryan
im having this issue for quite awhile but dont know how to fix it, it says process suspended only phbot that says that
searched alot on web for fix i couldnt find any solution for it,
any idea why it does that?
it causes ingame drop fps and it slows down bot process like attack delay etc

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Could be the builtin Gigabyte software causing it to suspend processes when you have another game open.

i have asus mobo gigabyte is just a pic i have on Desktop :smiley: as background

Same thing :man_shrugging:

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That is Process Suspend feature from Microsoft. They added that on Windows10. It’s simply builtin feature that intended for “Increase Performance” in quotations. :v You don’t need to do anything about that but if you don’t like it; downgrade to Win 8.1 Pro. :v

Windows 10 Green Leaf - Process Suspend.)

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