Phbot using to much cpu

I don’t have enough info to help you.

  • Server
  • Bot version
  • Collision detection on or off
  • Pet pick or character pick
  • System specs like CPU and memory
  • and does it only occur in certain areas or only while botting or both?
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will @darkheaven35

If you hover your cursor on memory reduce option you will see it increases CPU usage and can cause lag, so might closing that helps aswell. I suggest leave your habbits behind with sbot since you have started to use phbot and try to adapt it. Eventhough phbot is so easy to understand, this is something new for you and there is a learning curve for it. Play around settings and you will find optimal settings eventually. Asking help is all good, but saying its a trash is not going to make how you want it to be. I’d recommend trying to use suggestion section with constructive comments if you think there’s something needs to be changed, you find helpful or problematic and that can be quequed in the development of this bot if it found reasonable.

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