(PHBOT Testing) Auto Quest

Hello there. Im playing isro right now. My level is 59 and im at the quest of yetis. After complating the yeti quests , auto path doesn’t work. Phbot says “Auto Quest: Could not generate path to [Outpost Guard Shaha]”. How can i fix this , im new to PHbot. Thank you!

Where are you when it is doing that?

-1471 , -1135 near hotan outpost 3 , yeti and evil-yeti mobs

You should set the quest to use a return scroll.

Well when i do that , bot goes the town , does the down script , comes to training place and again returns to town. It is like a cycle.

It should be turning in the quest. Where is the NPC located?

Hotan outpost 4 , (-1898 , -700) to (-1885, -700). These are the range.