Phbot error server login error

folder does not open, I click, I am overcoming?

no file does not hurt

Then I don’t know what the issue is, maybe your banned from that server.

soket error It was giving an error, it was fixed, now it says the connection was dropped before reaching the login screen

I know that and I have no idea why. Check all your firewalls and anti virus settings make sure nothing is being blocked.

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[17:41:24] Güncelleme: Tüm güncelleştirmeler atlanıyor

[17:41:28] Giriş yapıldı

[17:41:28] iSRO/SilkroadR/vSRO/cSRO SilkroadR için 19 gün kaldı

[17:41:39] Veri yükleme durumu: 100%

[17:41:50] gateway sunucu bağlantısı [ 15779]

[17:41:52] Bağlandı

[17:42:52] Otomatik Yeniden Bağlanma: Giriş ekranına ulaşmadan önce bağlantı kesildi

[17:42:52] Otomatik Deneme: Deneme işlemi başlatıldı

[17:42:54] gateway sunucu bağlantısı [ 15779]

[17:42:55] Bağlandı

[17:43:13] Sunucu kapasitesi [Aether] [Do

There is no solution to the error?

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