Phbot detected on your system.

Help pls …
Phbot detected on your system.Server phbot blocking

phbot not logging in…
Server :

Website doesn’t work.

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website just for turkey rope

If I can’t access the site and I can’t download the client (let alone connect to the server) I can’t do anything.

come my pc ? team wiever

for me website is working fine and im not even from turkey :smiley:

Which country? Cloudflare can’t even connect to it if I can establish a connection.

im from Lithuania

I’ve tried basically every country PIA offers and none of them work. Can you ping the site and send me the IP? If they use Cloudflare I might be able to get the right edge server to connect.

how can I ping

lmoa now it wont load but i just loaded

For some reason it’s working now. I think their server just crapped out every time I tried it.

Edit: Broken again. I can’t tell if it’s the server or some random networking problem.

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Seems like they are checking window titles for “phBot”. All you need to do is go into phBot.ini and change Title to not have phBot in it then make sure nothing says “phBot” in any open windows. That includes something like Chrome. It only matters when you first start the client.

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Can you explain it a little more… Is there a definite solution? I haven’t tried it.



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