Ph bot disabling auto quest

My phhbot is disabling auto quest when the quest is done :slight_smile:
19:58:33] Auto Quest: Disabling quest [Collecting Trade Goods - Golden Earring! (Lvl 80-89)] (completed)

why is it doing this ? how can i stop it ?

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Because it’s not detected as repeatable.

i have auto quest enabled on it but it keeps disabling it when it returnns to deliver.

81-90 Job Quest (return).txt (3.5 KB) 81-90 Job Quest (going).txt (3.3 KB)

any help regarding setting the bot to do job quest 80-90 would be appreciated it :slight_smile: !

[21:20:58] Script: Walking to -5221, 2852

[21:21:18] Auto Quest: Getting quest reward [Collecting Trade Goods - Golden Earring! (Lvl 80-89)]

[21:21:18] Gained 2,348,500 job experience

[21:21:28] Returning to town due to script command

[21:21:28] Script: Waiting 20 seconds before continuing the script

[21:21:59] Returning to town due to script command

[21:21:59] Script: Waiting 20 seconds before continuing the script

[21:22:19] Terminating pet [Job Activities Vehicle]

[21:22:47] Script: Walking to -5221, 2852

[21:22:47] Script: Walking to -5216, 2859

why is it not grabbing the quest again ? then using return scroll to go back to town so it can repick up the quest from the training area script (going) ?

I think you might be using it wrong. This is how it works with the “new” job quests.

  1. Create a script from town spawn to the job NPC.
  2. Add the cast,Job - Merchant Pipe command.
  3. Add the quest.
  4. Walk to the training area.
  5. Add the dismount command.

Set the training area script to this one.

Second script:

  1. Walk back to the quest NPC from your training area.
  2. Add the quest.
  3. Add the terminate command.
  4. Walk back to town spawn.

Set the quest return script to this one.

This way it will loop forever. Auto quest shouldn’t be done with the new job quests since it doesn’t do anything to summon a transport.

I have tested this and it does not disable the quest. If you use scripts it has no opportunity to disable it.

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i did the above and now im encountering this error.

[13:25:33] Returning to town due to return and disconnect threshold met

[13:25:58] Returning to town due to return and disconnect threshold met

[13:26:23] Returning to town due to return and disconnect threshold met

it spams this trying to return to town but it cant cause transport is spawned.

this occurs because i set return/disconnect so the shard can reset.

another error it encounters is if the quest isnt set to “enable” (auto quest) it never goes back to deliver it.

jobgoing8587.txt (3.6 KB)

It has to be enabled otherwise it would always complete every single quest that has existed. The not terminating the pet will be fixed in the next version.

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i do everything you said but i have same problem when the char dead or transport was dead or use return phbot disable quest idk why please fix it
Job 100-110.txt (834 Bytes)
Q Job 100-110.txt (766 Bytes)

any answer ?!!

I don’t know exactly what you’re doing so it’s difficult for me to reproduce it. If you want to send me an account with configs I’ll login and figure out what’s going on.

Hells (718.6 KB)

If you use auto quest for job in 2 condition following below, you have to enable quest manually

1- If you/transport die,
2- If you cancel quest manually

If you dc you dont have any problem.

May be, @Ryan will check. I have checked in this 2 condition bot got stuck. By the way you dont have to use auto quest @Ryan added new condition for quest you can use condition system.

and why its cancel ?!

[17:23:17] Conditions: Enabling quest [Collecting Trade Goods - Chest of Gold! (Lvl 100-110)]

[17:23:17] Conditions: Enabling quest [Collecting Trade Goods - Chest of Gold! (Lvl 100-110)]

[17:23:18] Auto Quest: Disabling quest [Collecting Trade Goods - Chest of Gold! (Lvl 100-110)] (completed) 

i try to use some Conditions and the disabling still
and this my last bot config (718.7 KB)