Ph bot - conditions party not exiting issue

ph bot
city-donwhang-get out of the party
I’m adjusting. When I reach a certain number of good boxes on it, I automatically make a caravan. but my character does not leave the party when he returns to the city. I look forward to your help on this.

if (Job pouch full) { Return to town; Leave party; Change script ( X:/sro/thief.txt ); Disable; }
add leave party after Return to town. and auto accpt party only at the training area

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What was the purpose of the disable setting after the caravan came. So it will go back to its slot, right?
second note; When I add the JobPouch condition, it normally returns when the good box on it is 100, that is, when the tank is full, but when I do jobpouch, it returns when there are 96 good boxes.

TR ; kervanı çekip geldikten sonra disable ayarının amacı neydi. böylelikle tekrar slotuna gidecek değilmi.

İkinci Not : JobPouch koşulunu eklediğimde normalde üzerindeki good box 100 olunca yani deposu dolunca geri dönüyordu fakat jobpouch yapınca 96 tane good boxx olunca geri dönüyor.

Try to keep it english so more people can help you

do you play prv8 server ?!

Tr Sro

I made this setting, but there is a problem. it returns to the city and when it comes to the city, it starts to return constantly. return every time. my point is for it to run the script after return. but it returns every time

You didn’t add disable like he said

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but there is one thing. After this character returns from the caravan, he will go to collect good boxes again. Meanwhile, since we have selected disable from these settings, it will not be a problem when good box is full, right? so we returned to the city and took a caravan, our command works, right?

sen hangi serverdasın ?