New problem or bug

[21:43:31] Welcome to phBot v16.4.9
[21:43:31] Updates will be posted at /
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[21:43:31] Discord: ProjectHax
[21:43:31] Update: Skipping all updates
[21:43:48] Login successful
[21:43:48] You have 16 days left for iSRO/SilkroadR/vSRO
[21:44:12] Data load status: 100%
[21:44:13] Connecting to the gateway server []
[21:44:13] Connected
[21:44:14] Server capacity [Theia] [Full]
[21:44:19] Sending login credentials
[21:44:42] Login server error or the account does not exist
[21:44:42] Retrying in 5 seconds
[21:44:47] Connecting to the gateway server []
[21:44:48] Connected
[21:44:48] Server capacity [Theia] [Full]
[21:44:53] Sending login credentials
[21:46:19] Passcode: Secondary passcode has been entered successfully
[21:46:19] Standby list is full

Probably a server issue.

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