Need help with town script

I created a new script for the character to do storage first, because it sells everything if it does blacksmith first. But, no matter what I do, bot is using the auto route and always does blacksmith first. I couldn’t have it follow my own script. What can I do to fix that?

This will actually be changed in the next version. You can edit the Donwhang.txt script for example and have a script that goes to storage then Blacksmith. The _r scripts are for servers like iSRO that have the free potion NPCs in every town.


Uh somehow I never thought about changing the actual script lol. That worked perfectly, thank you so much. Also, I really appreciate your immediate response!


Hey again… Got a final problem to fix :confused: I edited the dw script and town works perfectly now. But, seems like it’s in a loop now. Always doing the town, never heads to the training area. There is probably an easy solution for that but I can’t seem to figure it out…

At the end of your town script you need to have “DoScript”.

i think you should walk back to spawn area before hitting “DoScript”
otherwise it will say “wrong town script”