Movement Example

Movement example from the old forum.

from phBot import *
import QtBind
import threading
from math import sqrt
from time import sleep

log('[%s] Loaded' % __name__)

gui = QtBind.init(__name__, 'Movement Example')
QtBind.createLabel(gui, 'X', 10, 5)
QtBind.createLabel(gui, 'Y', 10, 25)
line_x = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui, '', 25, 5, 64, 16)
line_y = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui, '', 25, 25, 64, 16)
button1 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'move_clicked', 'Move', 10, 50)

def move(x, y, z):
	move_to(x, y, z)

	count = 0

	while sqrt((x - get_character_data()['x']) ** 2 + (y - get_character_data()['y']) ** 2) > 4:

		count += 1
		if count > 30:
			log('30 seconds have elapsed, giving up')

	log('Arrived at %f, %f' % (get_character_data()['x'], get_character_data()['y']))

def move_clicked():
	x = float(QtBind.text(gui, line_x))
	y = float(QtBind.text(gui, line_y))

	log('Using a thread to move to %f, %f' % (x, y))

	threading.Thread(target=move, args=(x, y, 0.0)).start()
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