Mount/Dismount - Fellow

Hello everyone!

Me and my colleagues are having doubts about some kind of plugin, command that makes the char rise on top of the mount. Is this possible to do in phbot? We would be very grateful, if someone helps us.

Good week!

pretty sure xControl already does that.

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I ended up analyzing the command lists you sent and my plugin is also super updated.
But I still don’t understand how it works and what are the commands in the game to mount and dismount the animal.

Thanks for your attention.

dostum adam anlamadıgını söylemiş okuyamadıgını degil mesele ekrvan çekiyor adam ( dısmount yazdıgı zaman mesela bufalo kullanıyorsa o bufaladon inmiyor veya binmiyor ) bunun nasıl yapılacagı hakkında soru sormuş ve bende merak ediyoruma çıkcası çünki olmuyor