Maxiguard clientless login error

Hello. I can’t login clientless any maxiguard server. I’d tried with client and worked fine.

  • Error:

[22:47:22] Connecting to the gateway server []

[22:47:23] Connected

[22:47:24] Server capacity [Vitality] [48.32%]

[22:47:26] Login: Sending login credentials

[22:47:26] Unknown login error [12]

[22:47:26] Auto Relog: Starting relog process

[22:47:26] Clientless: Retrying in 30 seconds


Not supported. Use the client to login.

Okey. Is there any way to go clientless after logged to game?

Yes. The Manager has an option to do this.

Not working :frowning: . Maybe you can add condition about that ‘‘close client’’ in Then . That way, I’ll do ‘‘Botting == close client’’ it could work.

It definitely works.

I’m using it right now and not working for me. What can I do for make it work?

What doesn’t work about it? Select “Client” and “Go clientless” in the Manager.

I got it. thanks to a friend :slight_smile:

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