Looking for Multi Injector

Is possible to send a few packets with delay by one click ?

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Totally possible. An example is to edit btnInjectPacket_clicked from xPacketTool

You can split() his opcode and data using some symbol like comma (,) between packets. And change the encrypted to be used as another line edit to add more than one encrypt type.

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Is it able to automatic press inject at charakter start ? maybe change btn inject packet _clicked to btn inject packet_enabled / aktive ??

ty for Reply

Wow this thread is old. Yes you could do that based on receiving 0xB001.

this is a packet ^^ :smiley: i wanna do it with python momentally i did it with xpackettool opcode 70A2 03 01 00 00 01 , i changed the xpackettool plugin script that the values in the boyes ever the same but how i can add a auto inject when charakter is started … i did it with xcontroll too but i ever have to write my name as leader and its to much work " can u write for me a phyton script with a injection that i can use in my conditions at start ?

if u cant write me a script how i can change change the inject button " if player entered game start injection"

def btnInjectPacket_clicked():

#def joined_game():
strOpcode = QtBind.text(gui,txtOpcode)
strData = QtBind.text(gui,txtData)
# Opcode or Data is not empty
if strOpcode and strData:
Packet = bytearray()
opcode = int(strOpcode,16)
data = strData.split()
i = 0
while i < len(data):
i += 1
encrypted = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxEncrypted)
log(“Plugin: Injecting packet (”+pName+")")

this is the opt

def joined_game(): i can use this ?

or a py that load at start like this ?

from phBot import *
from threading
import QtBind
import struct
import json
import os

pName = ‘xinject’
pVersion = ‘1.0’

def joined_game():

strOpcode = 70A2
strData = 03 01 00 00 01
# Opcode or Data is not empty
if strOpcode and strData:
	Packet = bytearray()
	opcode = int(strOpcode,16)
	data = strData.split()
	i = 0
	while i < len(data):
		i += 1
	encrypted = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxEncrypted)
	log("Plugin: Injecting packet ("+pName+")")

one other thing ^^ i tryed invite from pt list from 2 ppl Big_Ryzen and MadDevil

he accept only from MadDevil its maybe because the _ ?

i did it with py in condition now and it work and about the party problem it was because wrong version

Hi there,

I am also trying to make multiple packet injection.

thx to example.py and xpackettool.py I found what I wanted to inject and its data however, injecting these data causes clientless mode or DC. Since my injection’s first part is talking to a NPC, I cannot check whether it worked or not in clientless mode.

What do you suggest for these circumstances?