JellyDix Server


Not sure if anyone is still using this, but I made a docker image based off this code for easy deployment. Adjusted the code to support an environment variable for the bot token, so you only have to provide a Discord bot token in the run command.

Example run command:
docker run -d --name jellydix --restart unless-stopped -p 5000:5000 -e DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=BOTTOKEN halon2/jellydix

Replace BOTTOKEN with your own Discord bot token.

Only started playing around with the jellydix plugin recently, so I have no idea what the current status is of his Discord bot and if this flask server is the best fix to make it work, but this docker image makes the plugin work good enough for me again.

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Just made this version into a docker image as well.
Made a few changes to the code as well:

  • Fixed the error that @jedicavalry got by using the old way of using the KEY (use JellyDix as token in the bot plugin tab within phBot)
  • Added envirement variable support for the bot token
  • Added more logging (and responses for logging in the bot console)

Plugin: Notification failed [Invalid token set in plugin. Token should match KEY in server]
Plugin: Notification failed [Token (KEY) not provided]

And a few more

This version should display a " Plugin: Notification sent to Discord!" in the logs if everything is configured right and forwarded to Discord.

To use this version you can use the test tag (halon2/jellydix:test) in the run command, the rest of the command stays the same.

If you’re uncertain on how to use the tag, the command should look like this:
docker run -d --name jellydix --restart unless-stopped -p 5000:5000 -e DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=BOTTOKEN halon2/jellydix:test

Again, make sure to change BOTTOKEN to your own Bot token.

Thanks for the Docker Image. It works well.

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