As the title states, i really wish there was a better way to lock the weapons in use. I dunno maybe like whats in the first three slots never gets stored? The amount of time i end up with no second weapon after a profile change is just i lost the count for it. it becomes annoying after a while all you seeing is your party is dead just because you forgot to assign the second weapon or shield to your new profile.
Town → Options → Ignore Slots
@Ryan thanks for this. i just tested on a bard wiz char. i set the bot to ignore the 3 slots.I also reset and ignored setting the second weapon to bard. Good news is that the bard weapon is no longer stored. However, bot doesn’t try to recognise if the second weapon available on the ignored slots. so none of the buffs from second weapon gets executed during training area or walking to training area.
The ignore slots option only affects selling and storing items in those slots. It’s not going to update your primary/secondary weapons across profiles.
i am using the option ''do not sell items with plus >= 5 ‘’
i dont store npc items
i made 1. and 2. weapon and shield +5 full blue.
so phbot never store or sell.
@beratad. store and sell is only partial problem to me. tbh, we can just lock the weapon with a key as that would also work. However, as @Ryan mentioned it is just bots are not recognising your secondary and shields on different profiles if they are changed. lets say that you had an old profile from a month ago that assigned to weapons that are no longer the secondary weapon/shield. you decided to use this profile again and not realised that your weapons no longer match. although bot resolves the first weapon (i think) the shield and the secondary weapons are not resolved.
but thats ok. i just need to keep an eye. its just annoying when you have alot of char as you have to go through each one of them one by one.