How to use Pink Candy'in TRSro

Hi there, I couldnt find a way to make bot use %100 speed bonus gift named Pink Candy. Which drops from new update.

I tried various conditions to make it work but every time I tossed up to the wall with an unexpected effect.

Is there a way to do it that I miss?

Btw, scroll activation is not working for Pink Candy.

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I’ll add it.

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Conditions > Builder > İF TİME ELAPSED = 60 SECONDS, EXECUTE SCRİPT (write a script, in script, ‘’
use,Pick Candy ‘’)

It doesn’t support things like that.

the condition work

It does not work, I don’t understand why you think you know better than the creator of the program.

Hey @Ryan, do you have a timeline for this? Appreciating your work.