Help - Hexadecimal code

Hi, Ryan, comunity, iam new with the plugins exactly 2 days.

i already have xPackeTool and i want to know how to get the code from this Hexa:

0x715F (Data) 8B 5D 00 00 81 5D 00 00

this is for active Energy of life. (i know bot can use it but iam creating a function for xControl)

i need press this button


also iam trying to know how to get decimal from here:

Client: (Opcode) 0x7034 (Data) 09 29 04 00 E0 02 00 00
Client: (Opcode) 0x7034 (Data) 09 29 04 00 E0 02 00 00
Client: (Opcode) 0x7034 (Data) 09 29 03 00 E0 02 00 00


i only know how to get from some like this: Client: (Opcode) 0x704C (Data) 10 EC 76

i Try with this but not work!

#(Opcode) 0x7034 (Data) 09 11 03 00 00 05 00 00

def sell_goldcoin():
         packet = b'\x09' #sell
         packet += b'\x11' #position
         packet += b'\x03' #quantity
         log("Item sold" +str(packet))

always get dc

we can close the teme, i finally can sold Item sold b’\t\x11\x04\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00’

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