Guild Warehouse Login Error

Although black_wars is in the char training area named, other guild members cannot use the repository. Because Black_Wars seems to be using the Guild repository. But in the field of education.

only way to fix DC Char that have problem ( Black-wars )

yes, my friend chari dc and log in again, but this problem continues all the time. Maybe Ryan corrects this problem.

This is Not a Problem of the Bot. Its a Game bug

Are you sure there is a server error?

Yakup, giriş denemesini 999 olarak ayarla sorun düzelicektir.

Guild deposuna 999 giriş yap diyosun doğru mu ? yani bot sorunu, sunucu değil o zaman

I think @Chefkoch had a plugin made for this, 100% server error

eklenti dediğin item manager mı ?

@paffieroken pls link the plugin site not just the data …

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Evet, 999 yaptığında sorun düzelicek. Eklenti kurmana gerek yok.

beyler cevaplarınız için eyw. eklenti ile şuan uğraşamam OmaWolle tekniği bir deneyek bakayım. bu arada paffieroken eklentiyi yarın denerim eyw

Chefkoch thx.

First time i linked , wrong sorry xD

its fine ;D
btw the plugin is not realy from me im basicly the one with the idee and how it should work 90% of the work is done by Verya becurse i have no clue about coding … im interisted in it i also understand how it work just by looking in the data but well … yes THX @Verya :wink:

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