Fury-Sro IP Limit

Is there a way of bypassing the IP limit in Fury Sro if anyone knows? Would greatly appreciate it if you shared the information with me :smiley:

if its ip limit only use proxy

Can you tell me how to do it? :smiley:

well ill guide u then you need IP and Port off proxy u can find some free proxies in some specific websites then u copy IP and Port and add it to ur bot like this

-manager preview

-bot prieview

Make sure u use mark which version u using v4 or v5
btw hint always use v4

Where exactly can i find the manager preview? :smiley:


Are you using the Testing version or the Stable one?

For private servers best would be testing

I’m using the same but i don’t seem to have this Manager icon in my phBot folder…

maybe u didint install it

should be like this

ye i checked and i dont have it :smiley:

i saw the option for Manager in the installer and i’ll install it now :smiley: