Event NPC

Hi ! I have a question . Is any way to make mine PHbot record all mine actions? For example I what to open Event NPC and Exchange letters from event . I tray to make a script but comand isn’t know . Any sugestions or maybe any configs already working. :smiley:

Best regards !


Then this will be a nice update :slight_smile: <3

maybe u can tray it with the plugins xConrtol and xPackedTool

You can´t do this witth xControl or xPackedTool because to select an NPC you need the Unique NPC ID. This ID can change so you can´t write a static script with all opcodes.

Some action are possible with Plugin but this is a lot of work. I tried this already out but there are some struggle points.

Forgett it or use the normal script command as all do it:
quest,Event So-Ok,Halloween Event