ERROR !!!-I can't run phbot testting exe

i got this error and can’t find a solution.

Close all bots and let it update. If that is not working you may need to use a VPN because your ISP is blocking the connection.

I got the update right now but same problem is ongoing now trying a vpn

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Despite vpn i got same error after trying update the database


Click OK and wait till it says database loaded 100%after it you can Lauch the client this also has to be done after every client update
You can see a progress bar at the silk road login tap

I cant even see %100 when itcomes to %20 stopped and give error

They there is something wrong
Open game lent and check for updates and check if maybe your anti vir block something also check windows defender

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i closed all virus app totaly, reinstall and same again. it updates itself but can’t complete


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