
After using Boi plugin, my coordinates from trainings area are wrong. They change by his own. I think its a bug

It’s not bugged, the plugin changes the training area coordinates so it can pick the drops. That’s why you should change profiles so it doesn’t change your main profile coordinates.

never had this problem before. i think its because of the new zone in Trsro

Seems unlikely. I haven’t changed anything in the plugin for awhile so I don’t think there’s any issues with it.

my coordinates did change by its own
same XY … but was switched or something between XY & Z(or what ever the new coordinates that is that butt-in)

but not from a plugin

just after updating the bot or closing & opening it again

i re-edit/add it & it never missed up

its the 2nd time
first time was long time ago

this is a feedback

I have the same problem…

they join battle of infinity and change the cords xy. If arena is finish they stuck in town because of wrong cords ! they dont change it back to the old cords xy

This is new ! after lvl 100 on trsro we had this problem …

And they try allways to morph again … but failed

[08:09:59] Plugin: Morph lost… Morphing Again
[08:11:01] Plugin: Morph lost… Morphing Again
[08:12:03] Plugin: Morph lost… Morphing Again
[08:13:06] Plugin: Morph lost… Morphing Again

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i get this morph info only on fellow pet chars why`?

You are getting this morph message outside of dungeon ?

No. Inside

Fixed. Update the plugin.

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back to the coords, sometimes they change back to old coords sometimes they stay at arena coords. idk why

Do all your other settings change?

no. just the coordinates

Your answers just contradicted eachother… I mean do other bot settings change when BOI finishes? Only the coordindates fail to change? Show me your plugin settings.

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Yea only coordinates don’t change

Well of course they dont change, you arent using “Return and start bot when finsihed” and you have to enter a training area profile in that section. Because you arent changing profiles the plugin is just modifying your normal training area. Thats why i suggested you change profiles in my instruction of how to use it.

The problem is, idk what to write in training and party profile. Can u pls tell me what I have to write in there? I’ll show u my profiles.

These arent profiles. Profiles are on the silkroad login tab.

login tab is my username then?

sorry i meant the auto config tab. my bad