
two things regarding the new conditions:

  1. could you please add “start bot”? i like to have an infinite stall bot loop where the bot shall stop after 60 minutes, start again and do its stall loop which brings him back to guild-storage, takes items, stores gold, goes back to stall-position and opens the stall. i dont want to use the stall option to close the stall when x items are left, couz sometimes the users dont buy a specific item very often and my stall keeps open until i care. here i’d like to use the condition very much.

  2. i tried the condition to stop the bot 1 minute after starting the bot. i waited 3 minutes. nothing happened.

Conditions only execute when the bot/trace is started. I can change that and add fields for bot stopped/trace stopped.

What does your condition look like?

if (Botting time (minutes) >= 60) { Stop bot; Start bot; }

Start bot; does not exist yet


if (Botting time (minutes) >= 1) { Stop bot; }

does not work at all

Good idea, but the xControl plugin is already there, you can give trace, start, stop, several good commands are still improving it. I recommend it.

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I just tested that exact condition and it is working. I believe if you are using the old script conditions those will cause it to never check the new ones.

sorry, i dont get you.
what old script conditions?
are you talking of the training place > conditions tab?
i dont use that at all.

Yes, that’s the only reason the stop bot condition you have would not work from what I can tell.

[11:03:26] Bot started
[11:03:26] Stall: Stall has been created
[11:03:31] Stall: Adding [Deuraegonik Soul] → []
[11:03:33] Stall: Opening
[11:03:33] Stall: Stall has been opened
[11:15:07] Bot stopped. Botting time [11 minutes] << triggered manually
[11:15:07] Stall: Stall has been exited

Oh you’re doing it while stalling. Conditions are checked only while botting. Not stalling or inside the town loop.

ok i see. can you please change it to work while stalling as well?

Yes, next update. That is why there is no start bot option. Because everything is checked only while botting/tracing.

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right, that makes sense.

Would it be possible to make someting like this

Buff like bless spell
then use reverse to last recall spot on loop
like buff reverse buff reverse

I dont know if it can be done or if it exists already but this will be good for parties or plvl parties.
when im powerleveing my two chars my party will be 3/8 and I need 1 more player so party mobs start spawning. so the bot reform the party and accepts everyone but sometimes when one of the chars is reloging the party will get full and when he comes back he wont get invited until 1 slot gets free.

if (PlayerInRange || PlayerInTraningArea && PlayerNotInParty && PlayerInPartyList && PartyIsFull)
Kick a player that is not in PartyList and then PartyInvite

I can add party full but cannot do OR statements. You will need two statements or you can omit PlayerInTrainingArea.

Edit: If PlayerInTrainingArea is true then PlayerInRange will also be true.

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so this can be done with current state ?

if (PlayerInRange && PlayerNotInParty && PlayerInPartyList && PartyIsFull )
Kick a player that is not in PartyList and then PartyInvite

No you cannot. You would have to specify which player to kick.

Edit: Why don’t you open the bot and try to do these conditions? You have to specify names for all of the “player” ones you listed.

when you answer people’s questions partially, this happens. i now how conditions work. but according to you answer, i wonder that if its possible.

You can see if these are possible if you make them inside the bot. Every “player” option requires you to specify their name.

Would be helpfull, if you add “use item” funtion to then list.
For Example if strong monster count < 7 then use item “monster summon scroll”