Carnival Event Condition

how download that

I’m setting up but the phbot doesn’t see .
xCarnivalBalloon v1.0.2 successfully loaded writing but there is no

how will i use?


reade the topin and you will undestand

do you have .rar form ?
they all work but the balloon doesn’t work

You must trigger the plugin with a script

I added a gui where you can set the inflate level. But i did not test

#______________________ Initializing ______________________#

gui = QtBind.init(__name__,pName)

txtOpcode = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",85,45,40,20)
btnSetLevel = QtBind.createButton(gui,'btnSetLevel_clicked',"  Set Level  ",135,45)
lblLevel = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Current Level: ' + str(INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVEL_STOP) ,75,85)

#______________________ Methods _______________________ #

def btnSetLevel_clicked():
INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVEL_STOP = int(QtBind.text(gui,txtOpcode))
QtBind.setText(gui,lblLevel,'Current Level: ’ + str(INFLATE_BALLOON_LEVEL_STOP))

still dont know how to use -.-

Anyone can explain step by step?


doesnt work. idk how it works still. i created a script like your example and add to trainings area?

I added the ability to return to town and take the free balloons every hour. The plugin will automatically return to town when the notice appears for free balloon. Add the script command TakeFreeBalloon to your town scipt near the NPC and it will take the free balloons. Here an example for Jangan.
Jangan.txt (638 Bytes)

Download Plugin Here: (4.3 KB)


can i disable return to town after finish inflate balloons?

yes find this in the plugin and remove only the use_return_scroll() as shown below.

		global isInflating
		isInflating = False
		# Start bot and get back to town
		log('Plugin: Balloons not found, using return scroll...')
		use_return_scroll() <-----erase this line
		# All done, just Start it


Hi. I’ve downloaded and set Jangan script. Also i downloaded Plugin at moved it to plugin folder.
When i start the bot it does Jangan Script repeadly but not using Plugin. How can i use the plugin? Am i need to activate or set it somewhere ?

Sounds like maybe you set the Jangan script as your training area script instead of replacing it in the town folder.

The plugin will only try to take free balloons when it is time to, it won’t even enter the npc if it’s not time so it could appear like it’s not working.

I added the required condition as mentioned.


It works as perfect, but there is a problem, it enters the Karnaval NPC and exits without receiving the balloons. (I haven’t tried it in isro, Trsro is now like this, NPC names may be different.)

I used the TRSRO database to check the servernames of the npc, thats not the issue. This event isnt on isro currently. Also if it entered the NPC clearly it has found it.

Likely wasnt time to get the balloons.

Interesting, because the addon teleported to the city just in time. Is it still not time yet?

Should be fine, you can double check the packets. I dont have TRSRO so I have not tested it myself but it was working fine for others.