Caravan Security Bot Auto Confirm Window Help

Hello, Bot Auto Confirm Window need help

need plugins :slight_smile:

@Ryan Help please

maybe u can to something with the xpacketool or u have to use “AutoIt” for this (google)

@Ryan @NsyL Help bro now coming, Battle Arena Confirm afk confirm button.

maybe u can to something with the xpacketool or u have to use “AutoIt” for this (google)
the only way ! till now

xpacketool folder where?

Please Help @Ryan @JellyBitz

Double posts are not usefull

There is no Solution With a Plugin.

I dont know why People play on private Server which everyone has custom functions and wondering then when the bot can‘t handle this function

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@ufukcopoglu malesef bunun için yardımcı olamayız