Bot did not do auto repair?

I let the bot run at night while I was sleeping. I come back to my computer in the morning. I had noticed that my protector set wasn’t repaired and was fully broken. My weapon was not broken though. Also I had HP and MP pots along with universal pills and vigor grains. So having pots and pills tells me that my character was returning to town. My protector set is full blue. So it has extra durability. This is on iSRO. All help welcome.

Set it to return on armor durability.

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There is an option if it’s enabled … disable it cause I think it may do some strange behaviour … “repair only used/occupied items” untick it and I think it’ll work fine … try that also set that feature which Ryan told u on … but in normal cases it will repair cause it’s in the town script

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Just yesterday my protector set was broken. Also was out of HP pots. Had plenty of MP pots though. This doesn’t happen often. I am going to guess this is something to do with joymax and their game server. I believe my settings are correct.

Did you run out of return scrolls?

No I did not run out return scrolls. I was carrying 2 full stacks of special return scrolls. I decided to carry just 1 stack now. The repair issue only happens when I am away from my desktop for several hours. I will keep an eye on this. Just to make sure. Thank you

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