Auto walk error

Can you remove it in teleport delay?

Yeah, like this. The delay before and after Teleport defaults to 5 seconds. When we used the Script, we could handle the delay. Auto walk is not possible to interfere. I’d appreciate it if you could remove the delay while teleporting.

That’s probably not a good idea.

The EU characters we created for Honor contraction don’t use the teleport next to them, they prefer to walk into the city. In fact, if he uses teleport next to him, he won’t have to walk.

Free teleporter NPCs for low levels will not be supported.

can i find out why?

Is it possible to remove Teleport delay or add it as an option? We could add scripts, but we can’t change auto walk.

Someone recently did that and posted on the forum when it failed to go to the next coordinate. Not a good idea.

When I use the script, I completely remove the delay. Haven’t had a problem until this time. It would be good if at least 1,000 ms of delay could be done. If there’s a complaint, it shouldn’t be too hard to change it back.

You can see the script it creates if you right click on your training area and go to Edit Script.

I hadn’t realized it, thanks. :slight_smile:

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I need this to have honor characters and I don’t want to use another bot.