bot ıs not usıng zerk for pt mob . ı adjusted from settıng but not usıng how can ı fıx ıt ?
I’ve the same problem with my char. when he is in the script like HWT or Frozen Dungeon. he’s not berserking the uniq or normal mobs. and he doesn’t uses the berserk regenarate potion. It comes with last update. fix it pls.
@Ryan can you check thıs problem ? bot ıs usıng zerk only when ı selected use bersek always.
but ıf ı select use berzerk for only pt general , pt sampıon or gıant pt , ıt ıs not usıng .
version number 27.9.1
ı tried reınstall phbot and adjust all settıng agaın but not solved
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